Social Sustainability

Connecting People and Pets

ZOZORIKA is an apparel brand devoted to designing for the relationship between people and pets, creating the new way to a sustainable life.



Pet Anthropomorphism

Pet Attachment

Emotions and Feelings

Social Support








Animal Rights

Pet apparel is a projection of people's affection for and attachment to pets. We aim to guide the need by reconstructing it with a more sustainable and caring choice, enhancing the relationships and catalyzing healthy conversations between people and pets through apparel design, and empowering sustainable future life with more possibilities.

Pet anthropomorphism seems to be an important concept that has not been widely recognized by us. Pets won't communicate in human languages for a human-pet relationship, so we, with a human-centered perspective, are very likely to integrate human characteristics, emotions, cognitions, motivations and intentions into understanding the behavioral status of pets in our daily lives. Pets gradually gain more anthropomorphized features when they are cared for by us with affection.

From this anthropomorphic perspective, we feel a stronger bond with our pets. We would think of a puppy smiling at me, raising paws just for handshakes and hugs. Playing with pets, we would consider they have their own cognitive ability to a certain extent.

Moreover, anthropomorphism contains the way we treat pets besides the perspective. For instance, we think of dressing pets in cute comfortable clothes, though the use of clothing seems exclusive to humans. In an anthropomorphic way, we might project love and care in clothing them, treating them as our children.

With an increased awareness of anthropomorphism, we believe it would help improve our relationship with pets.


Pet Anthropomorphism



An anthropomorphic perspective