
Sustainable Fabric Pet Accessories Design Workshop Mar 20
ZOZORIKA guided everyone to creatively design pet scarves and accessories using recycled textile sample cards and innovative, sustainable bio-based leather. Participants shared heartwarming and healing stories about their pets on-site. Together, we cherish kindness, our pets, and our planet.

Botanical Printing Pet Clothing Workshop: Borrowing a Touch of Color from Nature Dec 10
Let’s give it a try together, blending slow fashion with nature, allowing life’s rhythm to naturally slow down in these enchanting moments and truly appreciating the artisanal “slow fashion” journey.

Sustainable Pet Clothing Upcycling Workshop Nov 19
Through ZOZO ZONE Sustainable Pet Community activities, we aim to encourage pet owners to make eco-friendly choices. We hope to create a sense of shared accomplishment as everyone works together to support sustainability and make positive changes.